2017 NCTA National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships and NCTA High School Championships
April 1-2, 2017
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA
The NCTA is proud to announce the 42nd National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships on April 1-2, 2017, to be held at the University of California, San Diego!
The NCTA is also pleased to host the 4th NCTA High School Championships, to include black belt sparring, Black Belt Sport Poomsae (Individual, Paris and Teams) on Saturday, April 1, as part of the same event.
This year’s collegiate championships will serve as the team trials for the 2017 World University Games in Taipei, Chinese Taipei.
NCTA President: Dr. Russell Ahn
NCTA Championships Director: Mr. Rex Hatfield
NCTA Championships Host: Master Jacky Baik
University of California, San Diego
9730 Hopkins Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
Hotel Information
San Diego International Airport – 15 mi.
Los Angeles International Airport – 112 mi.
Online Registration
Registration for the NCTA Championships is now open at USA Taekwondo Hangastar: http://www.usat.hangastar.com.
Tournament Information Packet
2017 Summer World University Games Team Selection Procedures
Eligibility and Other Forms
Update to Poomsae Team Trials Format
The WTF recently announced a change to the competition format for the 2017 Summer World University Games poomsae divisions to include both recognized and freestyle poomsae as described in this press release:
As such, for the following Team Trials divisions at the 2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships at the University of California, San Diego on April 1-2, 2017, the competition format for the following divisions will be updated to reflect the updated format:
Female Individual Poomsae
Male Individual Poomase
Mixed Pair Poomsae (1 male, 1 female)
Male Team Poomsae (3 men)
Female Team Poomsae (3 women)
This new format will consist of the following:
Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin
Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin
One Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin, and
One freestyle poomsae
The Championship poomsae (non-Team Trials) divisions at the 2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships will remain the same as previous years (recognized poomsae only).
Daedo Electronic Gear Information
Friday, March 31, 2017
2:00-8:00pm | Credential pick up |
4:00-8:00pm | Required weigh-ins for color belts and high school sparring competitors |
7:00-8:00pm | Annual NCTA meeting |
7:00-9:30pm | Referee meeting (location tbd) |
Saturday, April 1, 2017
9:00am | Color belt poomsae (all ranks) |
10:00am | Team poomsae (Championship division) |
10:30am | Team poomsae (Team trials division) |
Male White/Yellow Sparring, all weights | |
11:00am | Individual black belt poomsae (male & female) preliminary round |
12:00pm | Lunch break |
1:00pm | Individual black belt poomsae (male & female) semifinals and finals |
Female White/Yellow Sparring, all weights | |
2:00pm | Male Green/Blue Sparring, all weights |
2:00-6:00pm | Credential pick up |
Collegiate black belt weigh-ins | |
2:30pm | Pairs poomsae (Championship division) |
2:30pm | High School Pairs poomsae division |
3:30pm | Female Green/Blue Sparring, all weights |
High School Individual poomsae divisions | |
4:00pm | Pairs poomsae (Team trials division) |
High School Teams poomsae divisions | |
4:30pm | Female Red Sparring, all weights |
Female & Male High school sparring divisions, all weights | |
5:30pm | Male Red Sparring, all weights |
Sunday, April 2, 2017
9:00am | Collegiate Black belt sparring matches 1-20 |
9:30am | Collegiate black belt sparring continues through finals |
6:00pm | Awards ceremony |