2016 NCTA Championships
April 23-24, 2016
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO
The NCTA is proud to announce the 41st NCTA Championships on April 23-24, 2016, to be held at the University of Colorado!
The NCTA is also pleased to host the 2nd Annual High School Championships, to include black belt sparring (YOG weight classes) and Black Belt Individual Sport Poomsae on Saturday, April 23, as part of the same event.
NCTA President: Dr. Russell Ahn
NCTA Championships Director: Mr. Rex Hatfield
University of Colorado Boulder Recreation Center
1835 Pleasant St
Boulder, CO 80302
Tournament Information Packet
The 2016 NCTA Championships Tournament Packet which includes detailed information about schedule, required equipment, venue information and required forms can found by clicking here.
Hotel Information
2660 Canyon Boulevard
Boulder, CO 80302
To reserve, click this link or call 800-228-9290 and mention Marriott Boulder and “National Collegiate Taekwondo Association” by Tuesday, March 22, 2016
770 28th Street
Boulder, CO 80303
$139 for a room with one King bed (rollaway available)
$149 for a room with two queen beds
Book by April, 1, 2016
To reserve, call 800-233-8469 and reference code “NCTA”
Online Registration
Registration for the NCTA Championships is available at USA Taekwondo Hangastar: http://www.usat.hangastar.com.
Closest Airport and Travel
Denver International Airport (DEN)
Travel Directions
For discounted shuttle service between Denver International Airport and all hotels and destinations in Boulder, CO, use this link:
Green Ride Boulder Shuttle Service
Service between Denver International Airport and any location in Boulder, CO
Eligibility and Other Forms
Please mail the following forms by April 11, 2016 to:
2016 NCTA Championships
4300 Black Ave #1810
Pleasanton, CA 94566
- Student Status Certification (Collegiate) (2016 NCTA Collegiate Certification)
- Student Status Certification (High School) (2016 NCTA High School Certification)
- Proof of Citizenship (black belt competitors only): Copy of one of the following documents: US passport (unexpired), US birth certificate or US naturalization papers
Please note that times within the daily schedule may change:
Friday, April 22, 2016
4:00-8:00pm | Credential pick up; weigh-ins only for color belts and high school sparring competitors |
7:00-8:00pm | Annual NCTA meeting |
7:00-9:30pm | Referee meeting (location tbd) |
Saturday, April 23, 2016
9:00-11:00am | Credential pick up |
Collegiate black belt weigh-ins | |
9:00am | Color belt poomsae (all ranks) |
10:00am | Team poomsae (Championship division) |
10:30am | Team poomsae (Team trials division) |
Male White/Yellow Sparring, all weights | |
11:00am | Individual black belt poomsae (male & female) preliminary round |
12:00pm | Lunch break |
1:00pm | Individual black belt poomsae (male & female) semifinals and finals |
Female White/Yellow Sparring, all weights | |
2:00pm | Male Green/Blue Sparring, all weights |
2:00-6:00pm | Credential pick up ; Collegiate black belt weigh-ins |
2:30pm | Pairs poomsae (Championship division) |
High School Pairs poomsae division | |
3:30pm | Female Green/Blue Sparring, all weights |
High School Individual poomsae divisions | |
4:00pm | Pairs poomsae (Team trials division) |
High School Teams poomsae divisions | |
4:30pm | Female Red Sparring, all weights |
Female & Male High school sparring divisions, all weights | |
5:30pm | Male Red Sparring, all weights |
Sunday, April 24, 2016
9:00am | Collegiate Black belt sparring matches 1-20 |
9:30am | Collegiate black belt sparring continues through finals |
TBA | Awards ceremony |
[contact-form to=’amantipa@ucdavis.edu,rexh@princeton.edu,dbchuang@gmail.com’ subject=’2016 NCTA Championships’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email Address’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Question’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]