Dear NCTA Coaches and Athletes:

I am so pleased and excited to introduce the NCTA Regional Conferences initiative! Six regional conferences are being recognized and organized around the United States and will provide more opportunities than ever before for college students to compete and grow as athletes and leaders.

Participation in the regional conferences will qualify collegiate athletes for a new additional division at the NCTA Championships, the NCTA Team Championships. This division will see athletes competing to take home a traveling cup, the new NCTA Cup, which will reside with the winning Team Division school each year.

Thank you to the hard work of our regional conference leads: Casey Denham (Mid-Atlantic/ACATA), Haksung Kim (Pacwest), David Lee (Midwest), Sung Park (Northeast/ECTC), Catherine Tong (Pacific Northwest), and Joseph Van (South), and to our hardworking NCTA Tournament Committee Chair Tara Sarathi for spearheading this effort.

You should all be receiving more communication soon about upcoming events, but feel free to reach out to for more information at any time.


Dan Chuang

President, NCTA