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Spring 2015 NCTA Meeting Minutes Posted

The Spring 2015 NCTA Annual Meeting Minutes can be downloaded by clicking here.

Meeting Schedule Update

Dear NCTA members,
The NCTA Fall 2015 call will be at 2p Paciifc, 5p Eastern on Dec 5, 2015.
Thanks you.

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NCTA Statement on NCAA Recognition and USTC

On Saturday, October 3, the officers of the National Collegiate Taekwondo Association (NCTA) held a teleconference with Mr. Phil Herring of United States Collegiate Taekwondo (USCT) to discuss the USCT’s plans to apply for National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) recognition for the sport of taekwondo. In attendance were NCTA President Russell Ahn, NCTA 1st Vice President Rex Hatfield, NCTA Vice President Chun Jae Park, NCTA Secretary General Dan Chuang, NCTA Advisor Tim Ghormley, NCTA Treasurer Jacky Baik and USCT board member Phil Herring.

Mr. Herring described his efforts and plans to date, which included applying for recognition through the NCAA division of Sport Diversity and Emerging Sports first for female athletes, with plans to expand that recognition to the male athletes in 18 months. He also described his desire to move forward with the cooperation and input of the NCTA as well as the 4 regional collegiate taekwondo leagues.

The NCTA officers were appreciative of Mr. Herring’s efforts and desire to achieve NCAA recognition for taekwondo. There was discussion about how to best proceed with the process and how each organization might be involved. It was agreed that further discussion would be both welcome and necessary, and NCTA Vice President Chun Jae Park will meet with Mr. Herring in person to discuss further.

The NCTA and President Ahn has been pursuing its own efforts towards NCAA recognition, including working with the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) and will continue to promote collegiate taekwondo and develop the collegiate and high school athlete pipeline. President Ahn created a committee to oversee NCTA’s efforts towards NCAA recognition, chaired by NCTA Advisor Tim Ghormley and including President Ahn, 1st Vice President Rex Hatfield, Secretary General Dan Chuang, and Tournament Committee Chair Alex Antipa.

NCTA Meeting Agenda

There will be an NCTA meeting via conference call on Saturday, Dec. 5 at 5pm (EST), 2pm (PST).
Please submit your information below to receive call information.

US National Collegiate Team Selected at 40th NCTA Championships on April 4-5, 2015

The National Collegiate Taekwondo Association (NCTA) held the 40th National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships on April 4 and 5, 2015 in Newark, DE at the University of Delaware, run by tournament director Rex Hatfield, and presided over by NCTA president Russell Ahn. Over 500 athletes participated from over 75 different colleges and universities.  At the conclusion of the tournament, 24 athletes were selected to represent the United States at the Summer World University Games in Gwangju, Korea from July 3-14, 2015.

Eight athletes were selected to represent the United States in the poomsae divisions.  Eddie Jeong (University of Bridgeport) won the men’s individual division, and Carissa Fu (Boston University) won the women’s individual division.  Kody Han (University of California, Berkeley) and Kelsey Ha (Evergreen Valley College) won the mixed pair division.  Han, Albert Jong (San Jose State University), and Lance Supnet (California State University, East Bay) earned the men’s team spot, and Fu, Miyako Yerick (University of Texas, Austin) and Michelle Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) earned the women’s team spot.

Fu is returning for her 7th time on the US collegiate poomsae team, and she earned a bronze medal at the 2014 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships (1st senior) and a bronze medal at the 2010 World University Taekwondo Championships women’s team poomsae. Yerick and Chen are returning for their third team. Han and Jong are returning for their second collegiate team, with Jong recently earning a gold medal at the 2014 World Poomsae Championships (1st Team). Ha and Jeong are on their first collegiate teams. Both earned a bronze medals at the 2014 World Poomsae Championships (Freestyle Team and 1st Pair, respectively).

The sparring divisions were contested in a single elimination bracket, with double elimination beginning at the semifinal rounds.  In the men’s divisions, the winners were Emmanuel Fountain (-54 kg, Tidewater Community College), Kelvin Ortiz (-58 kg, Broward College), William Jackson (-63 kg, University of Texas, Dallas), Jensen Ishida (-68 kg, University of Hawaii-Manoa), Jaysen Ishida (-74 kg, University of Hawaii-Manoa), Jared Reed (-80 kg, California State University, East Bay), Jonathan Healy (-87 kg, Liberty University), and Stephen Lambdin (+87 kg, Dallas Community College).

Lambdin is returning for his fifth collegiate team and has earned bronze medals at the 2008 & 2012 World University Taekwondo Championships, and recently was named to the 2014 WTF Grand Prix Finals where he placed fourth last year. Jensen Ishida is returning for his third collegiate team. Jaysen Ishida is on his second collegiate team and earned a bronze medal at the 2014 World University Taekwondo Championships. Reed is also on his third collegiate team and earned a bronze medal at the 2014 World University Taekwondo Championships.

In the women’s sparring divisions, this year’s team members are Samery Moras (-46 kg, University of Utah), Jessie Bates (-49 kg, New Mexico Highlands University), Carissa Fu (-53 kg, Boston University), Aziza Chambers (-57 kg, Wright State University), Lauren Bensinger (-62 kg, Hillsborough Community College), Amanda Bluford (-67 kg, Florida International University), Jean Smith (-73 kg, Princeton University), and Jackie Galloway (+73 kg, Southern Methodist University).  Moras, Bates, Fu, Chambers and Galloway are all returning team members.

Aziza Chambers is returning for her sixth collegiate team, and earned a bronze medal at the 2011 World University Games. Moras is returning for her third consecutive collegiate team. Jackie Galloway is returning for her third collegiate team and earned a gold medal at the 2014 World University Taekwondo Championships, the first for the US since 2002, as well as a bronze medal at the 2015 World Taekwondo Championships.  Bates and Fu are also on their second consecutive collegiate sparring team. Fu is also competing in poomsae.

The male athlete of the year at the NCTA Championships was Jared Reed.  Reed won the -80 kg division for the second year in a row and earned a bronze medal at last year’s World University Taekwondo Championships. The female athlete of the year was Samery Moras. Moras qualified for her third consecutive US National Collegiate Team at the -46kg sparring spot.  The freshman athlete of the year was Jonathan Healy, who won the male -87kg division during his first year of collegiate eligibility.

The Coach of the Year was Rex Hatfield of Princeton University, who served both as tournament director, and placed his school in the top three in both the Combined and Novice divisions in addition to coaching two national collegiate sparring team members. The Referees of the Year were Angela De Oliveira (female) and Byung Yoo (male).
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