
NCTA Announces the 2021 Summer World University Games Team Selection Process

The 2021 Summer World University Games are to be held on August 17-27, 2021 in Chengdu, China. The organizing committee of the Games and FISU state that the completion of the Athletes’ Village and competition venues is on schedule. While there are many uncertainties in the future progress of the global pandemic, as well as potential travel restrictions, the NCTA will proceed with naming a 2021 National Collegiate Taekwondo Team that will travel to the Games should the event be held.

The NCTA will choose a poomsae team via remote team trial in late April or early May.  Recognized poomsae will be contested via live zoom, and freestyle poomsae will be contested via video submission. Dates and details for these events will be announced shortly.

The NCTA has deemed a national, in-person team trials unfeasible before the team roster submission deadline. A sparring team will therefore be named based on an application process utilizing several criteria: World Taekwondo ranking, past major event performance (including the NCTA Championships), ability to make within 5% of weight class being applied to (at time of application), and a remote workout/video proof of current active training condition at the time of application. Dates and details of this application process will be announced this month.

All applicants must also state their willingness to travel to China for the Games and to comply with all state and national travel restrictions.

NCTA Guidelines for Phased Return to Play in Collegiate Taekwondo

Dear NCTA Coaches and Athletes:

An NCTA Panel consisting of Coaching Director Joseph Van, Medical Adviser Dr. Sherri Lashomb, and collegiate athlete Ms. Sarah Maraach put together some recommendations to help collegiate clubs guide talks with their administrations about bringing workouts back online. This document describes a phased return to play for taekwondo.

Click here to download the NCTA Phased Return to Play Document


NCTA National Collegiate Online Poomsae Championships Website Up

The NCTA is pleased to hold the 2020 NCTA National Collegiate Online Poomsae Championships on Saturday, Nov. 14. This tournament will be open to all collegiate competitors currently enrolled in at least 6 credits of classes or who graduated in 2019 or 2020. The tournament site, including the tournament packet and registration information, is available at the tournament website:


NCTA General Assembly Held on Oct. 12.

The 2020 NCTA General Assembly was held on Zoom on Oct. 12, 2020. The minutes can be downloaded here.

NCTA Live Online Collegiate Poomsae Tournament – Nov. 14, 2020

The NCTA is pleased to announce a Live Online Poomsae Tournament focused on collegiate athletes on Nov. 14, 2020. The intention of this competition is to provide our collegiate athletes with a competitive platform, and to provide training goals for our athletes during this extraordinary time. Divisions will include all belt levels.
Collegiate Team Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded, as well as outstanding male and female collegiate athlete awards.
More details, and a tournament packet, will be published soon, but for now, please mark your calendars for Nov. 14!
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