NCTA Meeting Minutes Available

Minutes from the NCTA 2016 Spring Meeting and the NCTA 2016-2017 Fall/Winter meeting are available below.

Update to Poomsae Team Trials Divisions at National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships

The WTF recently announced a change to the competition format for the 2017 Summer World University Games poomsae divisions to include both recognized and freestyle poomsae as described in this press release:

As such, for the following Team Trials divisions at the 2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships at the University of California, San Diego on April 1-2, 2017, the competition format for the following divisions will be updated to reflect the updated format:

Female Individual Poomsae

Male Individual Poomase

Mixed Pair Poomsae (1 male, 1 female)

Male Team Poomsae (3 men)

Female Team Poomsae (3 women)

This new format will consist of the following:

Preliminary Round (cutoff, top 50% progress to Semifinal Round):
Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin
Semifinal Round (cutoff, top 8 progress to Final Round):
Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin
Final Round (Cutoff, top 8):
One Randomly selected poomsae, Taegeuk 6 to Sipjin, and
One freestyle poomsae

The Championship poomsae (non-Team Trials) divisions at the 2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships will remain the same as previous years (recognized poomsae only).

2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships and 2017 High School Championships Information Posted

Initial schedule and venue information for the 2017 National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships and 2017 High School Championships has been posted. You can visit the page by clicking here.

NCTA 2016-2017 Fall/Winter Meeting Information

Just a reminder that there will be an NCTA Fall/Winter Meeting via telecon this Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017, at 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern.
For call in information, please fill out this form.

2017 National Collegiate Championships and National High School Championships Dates and Location Announced

The NCTA is pleased to announce that the 42nd NCTA Collegiate Championships and the 4th NCTA High School Championships will be held at the University of California, San Diego on April 1-2, 2017, hosted by the UCSD Taekwondo Club.

The NCTA would also like its members to know that new for this year, the high school division will serve as a qualifier for the 2017 USA Taekwondo National Championships, in addition to the collegiate divisions which will continue to serve as a qualifier for the same event as in past years. Please check back soon for more details.

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